Global corporations and multinationals have well known brands that are recognizable by the general public. To enhance brand protection, and maintain intellectual property rights, a registered trademark can help to protect your idea. Trademark registration is one of the strongest ways to protect and legally recognize intellectual property. Registration of a trademark allows the holder to use the registered trademark symbol. Misappropriation of the symbol is misleading and can therefore be challenged.
Intellectual property is considered a human and intangible creation. Such creation may contain trade secrets, but also copyrights and patents. These different components may be considered trademarks and are protected under IP law when the appropriate formalities are followed. Trademarks take a prominent role in corporate structures for their ability to optimize administrative, fiscal and legal matters. Especially success online entrepreneurs running a profitable business can benefit substantially from the coexistence of trademark registration and corporate structuring.
The infringement of registered trademarks and other IP rights may result in legal action. This is especially true in online environments where protected symbols and identities, as well as images and photos can be used for further distribution and publication. Therefore, online entrepreneurs and webmasters should not only protect their own property, but also safeguard the tools they use for their operational activities.
Not all creations can be protected. It must contain a distinctive character. This means that generic and descriptive creations are not unique enough to protect. Therefore, a thorough consideration of the guidelines as defined by the World Intellectual Property Organisation helps to do things correct from the beginning. Not all jurisdictions accept the same registration entity. As such, USPTO and the Madrid system for registering and managing trademarks might even be used in conjunction. Additionally, it is recommended to look into language barriers, differences and other imperfections to cover all that is duly needed.